Frequently Asked Questions
What should I bring with my dog?
We highly recommend that you bring your dog's regular food, as well as any medications or supplements that your dog may require. Changes to the diet can cause stress to the digestive tract and that can make for an unhappy, stressed dog. We want your dog to be stress free! You may bring a bed, toys, and/or something with your scent to help ensure your dog's comfort during his/her stay at Puddleduck.
May I call and check on my dog while I am away?
Yes, most definitely!!! Frances will gladly call you back and let you know how your dog is doing during his or her stay at Puddleduck.
What if my dog is on medication, supplement or special diet?
Frances will make sure your dog will receive all medications and/or supplements during his or her stay and is able to accommodate any special dietary needs. Please make sure all medications are well-labeled and detail the reason for their use.
What if my dog gets sick at Puddleduck?
If this happens, Frances will personally call you and discuss the issue. If agreed upon, Frances will take the dog to the vet. If Frances cannot reach you and feels the dog needs medical attention immediately, Frances will transport the dog to her vet, unless your vet is within the same distance. Frances will bring your dog’s veterinarian's information with him or her to the vet. $25.00 will be charged for this service, as well as the cost of veterinary services.
Will my dog get outside exercise?
Yes, all medium to large dogs are allowed in the big yard. They get to play 6 times per day. If they get along with other dogs they can play with them; if not, we will let them out alone or, if requested, with only 1 other dog. Small or older dogs that do not like the play yard will go for walks 6 times per day.
I have multiple dogs; can they stay together?
Yes, Frances has extra-large kennel runs to accommodate the larger breeds and multiple dogs.
What is special about Puddleduck?
Puddleduck is not your typical boarding kennel. Frances goes above and beyond when it comes to the dogs. The kennel was designed to keep the dogs as comfortable as possible. The ¼-acre fenced-in yard allows the dogs to get plenty of exercise, as do individual walks for smaller or older dogs. The kennel is a cool 65 degree in the summer, and heated in the winter. The dogs also get homemade dog biscuits during their stay at Puddleduck! On Thanksgiving, Frances will make a turkey just for the dogs! She will debone it and give the dogs throughout the kennel a piece of the meat only. Most importantantly, the dogs really love the extra attention that Frances makes sure every dog gets during his/or her stay at Puddleduck!